Thousand Islands Boat Museum Logo

Frequently Asked Questions


Who owns the waterfront property?

The Museum property at 125 Water Street in Gananoque, Ontario is owned by the Town of Gananoque.

It is leased to the Museum under the terms of a 49 year lease, which includes rent at the rate of $20,000 per year. The Museum pays for all improvements, expansions, repairs and maintenance expenses.

Are board members paid for their work in the management of the Museum?

No. Every board member is a volunteer, dedicated to the success of the Museum and to the community, and provides his or her services without pay.

The Canada Revenue Agency and Industry Canada impose strict rules that govern the management of non-profit and Registered Charities.

Does the Museum issue official tax receipts for donations?

Yes. As a Registered Charity with the Canada Revenue Agency, the Museum can issue tax receipts for donation.

Its registration number is: 825536980RR0001

A complete listing of Canadian Registered Charities is published on the Canada Revenue Agency's website at:

How can I donate an old boat to the Museum?

Although we are always happy to consider gifts, most "gifts in kind" require ongoing resources to store, repair or maintain such artifact. The Museum has adopted a collection policy which includes guidelines and the process for accepting boats and other gifts in kind.

The Canada Revenue Agency also provides excellent information for individuals planning to donate to a registered charity.

A great place to start is at:

You may also peruse our "TIBM Donation Information (2015)" document, available here.

Thousand Islands Antique Boat Museum Trust
Thousand Islands Boat Museum?

What is the difference?

The "Thousand Islands Antique Boat Museum Trust" was created in 1993 as the incubator for an eventual Museum. It provided an entity that could receive donations that it set aside in preparation for the eventual creation of an actual Museum.

In 2014, an agreement to lease the Water Street facility from the Town of Gananoque meant that an actual Museum was then possible. The Thousand Islands Boat Museum was then incorporated under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act.

The Trust and the corporation have since been amalgamated into a single not-for-profit, Registered Charity, making the Thousand Islands Boat Museum our legal and operating name.


Bringing the heritage of the St. Lawrence River, the 1000 Islands, and the magic spirit of the region to life.


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Telephone: 613 382 8484

125 Water Street, Gananoque, Ontario K7G 3E3